Sunday, July 25, 2010

Student kicked out of Seattle class because of her hair!!!!!

Story brought by:
Read the father of this little girl's blog :

Ok so....I essentially wanted to only post the video footage and the story and wait for feedback before I commented on this post, however, I was WAYYYYY to eager to respond to the RIDICULOUSNESS of this news story!

Back in the 1950's -1970's I couldn't see something like this getting that much attention because it was common for this to happen...But c'mon its 2010!!! You have to be kidding me!!! So this teacher, she HONESTLY believes that she is allergic to the girls hair product that she has been using for over a year and asked her to leave her room because she was getting sick by the smell.

Let me first ask this, do you think this is an act of racism or an honest act of health issues?

....Mind you....

This little mixed girl went to THURGOOD MARSHALL elementary school (which might I add was the first African American Appointed to the United States Supreme Court!!) . Out of all school you would think that this would NOT be the one with the issue right? Well apparently, this doesnt matter. What made it even worse is that the little girl was the only minority girl in accelorated classes!! This in which her father said traumatized her...which it very well should. Who gives this women the right to kick this 8yo out of her class because of an accusation that PROBABLY was bullshit in the first place.... Apparently the same people who felt it necessary to accuse every African American in America on November 4, 2008 of voting for Obama not because he would be a good fit....but because he was black.

This is an a few paragraphs from her fathers blog (the rest u can find on his blog which is posted under the video):

"What was significantly missing from this report is that my daughter is black American (the only black student in that teacher's class) and the teacher who forced her out of the classroom is white American. The reason why this racial dimension was not exposed or addressed in the KIRO report is understandable: My daughter and her teacher were not interviewed. But my wife was interviewed—and she is white. So it follows that viewers would assume that her daughter is also white. But if the public had seen that the little girl has brown skin and curly hair, and her teacher has white skin and straight hair, then it would have been impossible to exclude race from this story.

If a white teacher—a person who is supposed to have a certain amount of education and knowledge of American history, and who teaches at a school named after the man who successfully argued before the court in Brown v. Board of Education for equal opportunities for racial minorities in public schools and went on to become the first African-American Supreme Court justice—removes a black student from a predominantly white class because of her hair, it is almost impossible not read the action as either racist or expressive of racial insensitivity, which amounts to the same thing for someone in that teacher's position."

The parents were not informed when the girl was asked to leave the class room but instead when the girl got home from school by the girl herself. What type of school is this! Not to sound crude or racially bias but the fact the they only interviewed the mother of the child and not the child herself or the teacher in question is beyond me. You would think that a news channel would want the ENTIRE story to be told.....Or would they?

I commend this child's mother and father for getting the NAACP involved. When I first watched the news report my friend (who is white, who was also watching it with me said ) but the mom is white so why?....This caught me off guard, not in a bad way or in a WTF way it caught me off guard because did it really matter either way if the mother was white or black. It shouldn't have but it subconciously was said without a care in the world. As you just read in the fathers statement, the mother was the only one interviewed but not the father (whom is black) nor the daughter or the teacher (who is white). Race would be IMPOSSIBLE to exclude.

This shows how no matter how far we have come in the fight against racism or racially bias acts, whether be we have a minority president or any other minority government officials, the acts of these people will never seize and will always prevalent. They will not go away in my life time or your lifetime....Hell they might even be here when my son (who is 2) has kids and they have kids life time (Ok maybe that was a little exaggeration...but you get the point I'm trying to make).

This blog is not posted to show only how I strongly disagree with this situation, but to INFORM as well.

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